If need help, call Henry at (503) 693-2423, or email Henry: hwu475@gmail.com
or click this link to download a quick application : Insurance Fact Find. You can also submit an online application (Fact Find).

Step by step
- To get ACA health insurance

The ACA insurance is still regular health insurance, that is same as it was on the market. Its plans and services are the same as before. The only difference is you must buy one of them, that originally you don’t have to. Its purchasing procedures are the same as you buy auto insurance, get quotes and select coverage plans, and then buy it.

Note: If you do not have required documents listed below, we may help you to work out, because they are substitutable. Please call (503) 693-2423.

The ACA Health Insurance

- Cheap offer, a rare opportunity, do not miss


The ACA health insurance, subsidized by the government, is super cheap medical insurance (called ACA). You can apply. Please note, by end of 03-31-2014, if there is still no medical insurance, you have to be the whole family government fines (you would pay a big penalty).

I am ACA broker and Farmers Insurance agent. I can help you handle the application for ACA health insurance. Just give me a call, I will sign you on. You can also complete the application, must follow the step by step, on my site www.usHenryAgency.com.



List of works that must be done by Applicant & Agent




1.) Print an application in a library (first, click a link on the top to download it);


2.) Fill your family basic data (address, email, name, birthday, SSN, ... etc.);


3.) Make copies of last month all pay-stubs (paychecks) and other income;


4.) Make a copy of last year your family tax return Form1040 (first 2 pages);


5.) On the app, choose me as your agent and Sign application (do not forget);


6.) Mail/e-mail all these to agent office. We may ask additional data and documents.


Note: Stop here. You are done. Next, we will work hard to find out the best net income model, that we will use to complete your application.

( e-mail: hwu475@gmail.com; Mail: Henry Hu, PO Box 230094, Portland, OR 97281.)





1.) Review your data entry and analyze your family last year tax return (It is critical.);


2.) Research to find out the best net income model used to apply for ACA aid;


3.) Research to find out the best health coverage plans that meet your family needs;


4.) Check (with you) all the answers to the questions that listed on your application;
(Note: You are the applicant, for our input on your application, you can say Yes or No.)  


5.) Estimate possible ACA benefits for total amount of aid and aid ratios;


6.) Finalize all the answers on the app and select a health plan to list on the app;


7.) Complete, print, copy, and mail your application. This may cost my agency $8;


8.) Monitor the application status, send more documents, and keep applicants posted;


9.) Set up monthly billing account after received approval letter of application;


10.) Explain how to use the new insurance: see doctors, find coverages, pay bills, etc.;


11.) Billing service. It is most important job for insured to keep the insurance going;


12.) Provide customer policy services for changes of insured, addrees, premium, etc.