If need help, call Henry at (503) 693-2423, or email him: hwu475@gmail.com

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OR/WA, Kaiser App
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OR App to Sign
Washington App

Step by step
一步接一步, 自己完成申請

In order to assist you buy ACA health insurance, we provided 5 cases below for you to review, compare with yourself situation, to find out which way you should go. Please note, all services from us are free. We are also not going to charge you anything, even when we sign you on a plan. You will pay an insurance provider directly.

One very important fact that all buyers must be aware: there is no free health insurance! In other words, everybody must take money out of their own pocket to buy it, even if some people get financial aids, they still need to 'buy' insurance using money from the aids.

Also, ACA insurance is still regular health insurance, that is same as it was on the market. Its plans and services are the same as before. The only difference is you must buy one of them, that originally you don’t have to. Its purchasing procedures are the same as you buy auto insurance, get quotes and select coverage plans, and then buy it.


Obamacare 醫療保險

低價優惠, 機會難得, 不要錯過


Obamacare是超低價醫療保險(称为ACA), 它是由政府補助的健康保險, 大家都能申請. 請記住, 03-31-2014為止, 如果没有醫療保險, 你们全家都要被政府罰款.

我是ACA的經紀人, 又是Farmers保險公司代理, 我能幫助您辦理申請ACA的醫療保險. 打個電話, 即刻辦理. 您也可在我的網站www.USinsurance.info上完成申請.



申請程序表, 它是申請ACA財務資助時, 申請人及保險代理要完成的工作




申請人自己申請ACA保險資助時, 要完成的工作如下:


1.) 自己在圖書館上網: 下載, 打印申請表(OR, WA  Application, 18 - 24頁);




2.) 自己填寫基本的情況(地址, 電話, 電子信箱, 姓名, 生日, SSN, 等等);




3.) 複印您全家上個月的全部工資單存根(paystub), 以及上個月的其它收入;




4.) 複印2012年您的家庭收入報稅表前二頁(Form 1040, 2 pages);




5.) 選擇我是您的保險代理人, 並且在申請表上簽名(千萬不能忘記);




6.) 把所有這些一起寄信給我們. 有时候, 我們会根据需要, 請您提供其它文件.

( Where to send your paper application: Henry Hu, PO Box 219247, Portland, OR 97225.)




注意, 您的申請, 到此就算完成了. 接下來, 我們幫您找出最好方案, 並完成申請.


經紀人提示: 您自己的申請完成了, 十分容易, 是嗎? 它確實十分簡單, 人人都能按照我們的方法自己完成申請.






在收到您寄來申請表後, 我們要完成的工作如下:


1.) 審核您填寫的數據, 並且分析您的家庭2012年的報稅表. 這是一個關鍵步驟;




2.) 確定您的最佳"年淨收入組合"(經過詳細地計算對比), 並用它來申請資助;




3.) 從現有的195種保險計劃中, 幫助選擇最適合於您家庭狀況的醫療保險計劃;




4.) 與您一起核對申請表中全部問答, 並仔細分析對比, 及時發現問題, 糾正錯誤;




5.) 根據填入的全部事實, 幫助估算您的家庭可以獲得財務資助的金額以及等級;




6.) 與您一起最後確定申請方案(全部問答), 並幫您最終選定最佳醫療保險計劃;




7.) 填入所有數據, 並且: 打印文件, 複印存档, 郵寄申請表, 等等, 完成全部申請;




8.) 在遞交申請後, 及時配合政府審批要求, 補充文件, 並定期通告審批狀況;




9.) 收到批准通知後, 幫助選定每月付款方法, 協助保險公司設立您的付款帳戶;




10.) 詳細說明如何使用新的醫療保險, 如何使用它去看病, 如何報銷醫療費用;




11.) 協助保險公司回答各種醫療費用的付款問題, 這是承保人經常提出的問題;




12.) 提供日常的客戶服務, 包括: 保險受益人增減, 保險合同更新, 地址變遷, 等等.



5 Sample Cases


Case-1: Pay by self, no need ACA aid.

1.) Select a plan: go to our web to download plans, review, and select plans;

2.) Send application: download Fact Find form (1 page), fill the form (or do it online, click here),

      and then send the form to us (use iPad to picture it and email to us);

3.) Get quotes and buy: we send you quote. If you like it, we can sign you on. You are done.


Case-2: Need ACA aid.

1.) Select a plan: go to our web to download plans, review, and select plans;

2.) Send application: download and fill application (14-24 pages), indicate plans you selected,

      and then send the form to us (use iPad to picture it and email to us. Or, fill it online);

3.) Proof of income: send us your 2012 tax return Form1040 (2 pages) and last month paystub;

4.) Get quote: we send you two quotes (health and ACA aid rate). We sign you on if you like,

      and assist you apply for ACA aid.


Case-3: Not for sure to pay by self or to apply for ACA aid.

1.) Select a plan: go to our web to download plans, review, and select plans;

2.) Send application: download and fill application (14-24 pages), indicate plans you selected,

      and then send the form to us (use iPad to picture it and email to us. Or, fill it online);

3.) Proof of income: send us your 2012 tax return Form1040 (2 pages) and last month paystub;

4.) Get quote: we send you two quotes (health and ACA aid analysis). We sign you on if you like.

      We may advise your tax AGI and assist you apply for ACA aid if you like to try.


Case-4: Shoppers who may be messed up at Cover_Oregon

1.) Select a plan: go to our web to download plans, review, and select plans;

2.) Send application: download and fill application (14-24 pages), indicate plans you selected,

      and then send the form to us (use iPad to picture it and email to us. Or, fill it online);

3.) Get quote: we send you quotes for health plans. We review your case that may need to be

      re-claimed and assist you to apply for ACA aid.


Case-5: For buyers who plan to become users of Health Exchanges

1.) Select a plan: go to our web to download plans, review, and select plans;

2.) Send application: download and fill application (14-24 pages), indicate plans you selected,

      and then send the form to us (use iPad to picture it and email to us. Or, fill it online);

3.) Proof of income: send us your 2012 tax return Form1040 (2 pages) and last month paystub;

4.) Get quote: we send you health quote with ACA aid analysis for you to use Cover_Oregon

      or Washington Healthplanfinder. You MUST get advice of your tax return before doing data entry.

      Why? Because these exchanges will forward all your data, even just for a quote, to IRS.