Henry Hu Agent
4547 SW Scholls Fry Rd C
Portland, OR 97225

Tel: 503-693-2423
Hours: Mon-Sat,  9:30 am-7:30 pm PST

特殊类型保险  Specialty Insurance

Insurance Quote for Oregon and Washington

Get Business Insurance Quotes:
As a business owner, you have enough on your mind without having to worry about your insurance needs. You can count on getting customized small business insurance quotes designed specifically for your business from Henry Insurance Agnecy.

的健康保險和人壽保險。 請見下面列出的詳細目録:

     - 建筑商风险  Builders risk
     - 儲油罐及其污染  Storage tank and pollution liability
     - 承包商责任险  Contractors general liability
     - 承包商设备  Contractors equipment
     - 货运大卡车  Motor truck cargo
     - 职业医師责任险  Medical professiional liability
     - 专业人員责任险  Professiional liability
     - 汽车场所污染  Auto premises pollution
     - 承包商污染责任险  Contracotrs pollution
     - 家庭房屋改造  Home remodel
     - 僱員職责风险  Job and duty liability
     - 房屋租赁风险  Rental dwelling
     - 無人居住建築  Vacant structure
     - 其它特殊类型保险  Other Specialty Insurance


1.) 聯繫信息(姓名,地址,電話,傳真);
2.) 公司名稱,所有權的類型,商業的種類;
3.) 工人的總數和去年總薪金(例如$56k- $65k,但不包括業主);
4.) 過去3年公司提交的保險索賠的次數;
5.) 可選:目前保險公司的名稱, 保險額.


Your Name

Your Email

Your Requests and/or Questions

Specialty Business Insurance 101

You’ve achieved your dream of owning a business. But as you know, the boundless opportunities of business ownership come with plenty of risk. When you’re confident that your organization’s people, property and revenue are safeguarded from the unexpected, you can focus on what’s most important—running your business.

Rated among the top tier by AM Best, Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s, Farmers can help protect the investments you’ve made and offer the peace of mind you need to keep your business on the road to long-term success. Trusted by millions of customers and financially secure for over 80 years, Farmers has the resources and knowledge to meet your insurance needs. Let our experienced agents create customized insurance solutions tailored to fit your business.

Your Business Insurance Options Explained
Your day-to-day operations are complex; understanding business insurance doesn’t have to be. There are coverage options available to protect just about every aspect of your business from employee injury to natural disasters. Some insurance is required by law and others by business associates, such as lenders and landlords. Obtaining the right type and amount of insurance for your business will help you avoid gaps in coverage where you need it most.

At a minimum, your business should have:

- Business Property Insurance that can protect your business by funding repair or replacement of damaged physical assets when disasters such as fire, windstorms, hail or vandalism strike.
- Business Liability Insurance that can protect your business against financial losses resulting from claims of injury or property damage caused by you or your employees and your products or services.
- Workers' Compensation Insurance that can satisfy your employees’ medical needs in the event of an accident or disease and make a quick return to work possible, while removing lawsuit potential by current or former employees.
- Business Auto Insurance that can get you on the road again quickly after an accident and ensure your business is protected against losses from injuries to other drivers, passengers and pedestrians for which you and your employees are liable.
- Business Crime Insurance that can provide your business with protection from fraud, theft, forgery or robbery.

Additional insurance options your business may need include:

- Employment Practices Liability Insurance that can cover your business if discrimination, sexual harassment or wrongful termination claims are made by present, former or future employees.
- Life Insurance for Business Owners that can help you plan for business succession, survive the loss of a key employee or partner and retain/reward your top people.
- Retirement and Benefits for Business Owners that can secure your financial future and that of your employees.
- Umbrella Coverage that can make sure your business is shielded from the effects of potentially ruinous lawsuits with additional liability coverage.
- Bailee Coverage to protect you and your business if damage is done to customer’s goods, including jewelry and clothing.
- Transportation and cargo Coverage to cover your company if goods are damaged or lost when being transported by one of your vehicles or common and contract carriers.
- Spoilage Coverage in the event that perishable goods are spoiled due to a mechanical breakdown or power outage.
- Non-Owned Auto Coverage if an employee is involved in an auto accident while driving a personal automobile on company business.

Before You Purchase
There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all business insurance coverage. Your business is as unique as you are. After carefully reviewing your assets and potential risks, your Farmers agent will work closely with you to build a tailored insurance solution that meets the specific needs of your business. What’s more, your agent will take time to help you understand every aspect of the policy.

If You're Already Covered
You’ve made a sound choice to protect your organization and employees with business insurance. However, your business has specific needs which may change over time. Reviewing your policy annually makes certain your coverage options continue to fully protect your assets. When in doubt, contact a Farmers agent for help. Farmers also offers lines of insurance for many aspects of your life, both professional and personal. Ask your agent about personal coverage options that can complement your business insurance policy.