Help Wanted (신병 모집)

Position: Henry Hu Agency LLC needs Service Representatives to support our agency sales.

Job duty:  Use your networks of co-workers, friends, relatives, etc., to find out various needs of insurance, and provide us valuable sale leads.

Benefits: Unlimited potential income and work at home.

Job Requirements: if you can meet any one of following situations, you would be a good candidate, which we are very glad to meet you at our office for a job interview:

1.) You currently have a good potential buyer, who is going to change insurance agent, or is looking for a new insurance now;

2.) you have sales experience, especially in selling insurance, and know how to develop business networks to support your sales;

3.) you are working at an auto dealership or working as an on site property manager in a large apartment or a leasing coordinator for commercial buildings;

4.) you are an account manager or a coordinator to maintain member records for clubs, associations, organizations, etc.;

5.) you have a special skill or an opportunity that enable you to do online marketing, especially for sending a bulk of emails to targeted potential buyers;

6.) you are very interested in learning how to sell insurance and would like to start practices right away at your own budget, even though you do not have any sales experiences. 

Tips: please note, we do not require pre-license education, as long as meeting one of above requirements, the candidate will be qualified for a job interview at our office. Minorities and language bilinguals are very welcomed. However, no phone calls before we are contacting you. Please email your resume to: Thank you.

중요 사항 : 귀하는 미국에 거주해야한다고 요구하지 않습니다. 예를 들어 중국 상하이에 거주하면서 온라인 마케팅 기술을 보유하고 있거나 익숙한 비즈니스 회사가 미국에서 새로운 보험을 찾고있는 경우 이는 "귀중한 판매 리드"입니다. 따라서 귀중한 영업 리드를 제공 할 수있는 한 Paypal 계정에 지불 할 수있는 것이 있습니다. 우리는 귀하를 고용 할 수 있습니다.