Henry Hu Agent
4547 SW Scholls Fry Rd C
Portland, OR 97225

Tel: 503-693-2423
Hours: Mon - Sat,  8:30 am - 8:30 pm PST

Henry Hu Agent
4547 SW Scholls Fry Rd C
Portland, OR 97225

Tel: 503-693-2423
Hours: Mon - Sat,  8:30 am - 8:30 pm PST

養老保險  Pension Insurance

Insurance Quote for Oregon and Washington

Get Pension Insurance Quotes:
To help buyers quickly find out our rates, we have developed a form (see below) to let buyers self-estimate their insurance premium. It only takes one or two minutes for a quick estimate and it is easy for everyone to use. No personal ID needed.

Please note that, due to age, records, model, etc., every family have a specific rate of premium, which is different from others. So, it is a right thing to do that to get yourself rate by using our form below. To avoid confusing yourself, you never compare your rates with your friends, since you do not know their 'full stories' and lots of things would change rates of insurance premium.


請注意,由于年齡,保險紀録,車型房型,等等因素,每個家庭都會有自己的費率.您不必浪費時閒詢問别人的保險費,因為您並不完全知道對方的全部狀況,有許多因素造成保險費各不相同.我們的詁價表可以幫助您快速了解自己的費率.為了准確估價, 請您務必完成全部問答.

To get your estimate, please select pre-answers from drop-down boxes and check discounts boxes on the form, and then click '提供_報價'. That's it.

養老保險費估價: 隻要1分鐘就能報價 (並詳細列出保險範圍)

怎様使用:   1.) 點撃下靣右邊的方格,选出您的答案   2.) 點撃 '提供_報價'(在下靣)

 15x10, 15年養老保險, 前10年保險費鎖定不變.
 如果申請人一年内曾吸食含尼古丁物品, 請選擇 'I_am_a_smoker'

提示: 我們提供投資養老保險, 15年后可拿迴保費加利息. 要知詳情, 請點撃下靣的 ‘提供_報價’.


Pension Insurance Overview

If you've got someone who depends on you, have a mortgage, own a small business, plan to send your kids to college or just have long term financial goals, Pension insurance can help fill the financial gap left by your death or disability.

What is Pension insurance?
At Farmers, we know it's difficult to imagine a time when you won't be there to help provide for your family. That's why ours has developed a suite of Pension insurance products designed to help answer your Pension insurance requirements, at any stage of life. Whether you're a new family, empty nester, business owner, or single parent, ours has a Pension insurance option to suit your needs and budget. For a personalized assessment of your Pension insurance coverage needs, including customized Term Pension insurance quotes, contact a ours agent.

Protecting Your Family:
By preparing in advance, you'll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're protecting your family's financial future. And since Pension insurance benefits are generally not taxable at the federal level, your loved ones can use the benefits to help take care of their living expenses in a variety of ways.
- Any needs after the time of death, such as final illness expenses, burial costs and estate taxes.
- Funds for a readjustment period, to finance a move, or to provide time for family members to find a job.
- Ongoing financial needs, such as monthly bills and expenses, daycare costs, college tuition or retirement.

Safeguarding Your Business
If you're a business owner or have business partners, it's important to prepare for the unexpected. ours offers several Pension insurance products that are designed to help you, as a business owner, to make it possible for your heirs to help pay estate taxes and help sustain the business during a change in management, or to help provide funds in order to execute a buy-sell agreement between partners or stockholders.

How can I keep my auto premiums down?
Generally, the longer you drive without major citations or accidents, the lower your premium will be. You may also qualify for discounts based on safety features on your vehicle. ours also offers an Annual Policy which keeps your rates stable for the entire year. We calculate your insurance costs for the year, and you don't have to worry about changes for a whole 12 months. Furthermore, with the FarmersFlex Program you can lock in your base rates, and qualify for accident forgiveness for up to 3 years. Also, if you insure additional cars or your home with ours you can save on all your premiums. For further information, contact your ours agent.

Contact us to learn more about how Pension insurance can benefit you and your loved ones or beneficiaries.

How much Pension insurance do I need?
There's no doubt that Pension insurance provides a sense of financial security. "If all else fails," you think, "at least I'm covered." But determining the amount of Pension insurance you need depends on a number of variables: your marital status, current income, (projected) future income, number of dependents, value of your assets, and your preferred lifestyle in general. A common rule of thumb is that your Pension insurance benefit should equal 5-10 times your current income. But there's no one answer: if you're older, and your mortgage is paid off, you may not need as much Pension insurance as a new homeowner. On the other hand, if you're single and have no children, you may not need a policy in addition to the one available at your job.

Keep in mind that until that Pension insurance benefit is paid out, you are paying a monthly premium. That's why it's important to research your options and talk to an insurance agent who can help you determine the best policy options for your situation. ours offers a wide variety of term and permanent Pension insurance coverage, with a range of premium levels to choose from.

What kind of Pension Insurance do I need?
In a nutshell, Pension insurance comes in two flavors: Term and Permanent. ours offers several options for both types of Pension insurance coverage.

Term Pension Insurance
Term Pension insurance provides the greatest amount of coverage for the lowest initial cost so it is a good choice if your needs are temporary or your funds are limited. Since term insurance provides coverage for a specific period of time (the "term"), you will have to choose the number of years you will need coverage. The Company pays a death benefit only if you die during that term. Some term insurance policies can be renewed at the end of the term. Premium rates may increase at each renewal date. Term insurance is useful as coverage for responsibilities that will diminish or end over time, such as mortgages or car loans. ours offers several Term Pension Insurance options to choose from.

Permanent Pension Insurance
Permanent Pension insurance coverage is useful when you anticipate a long-term need and value the option of income-tax-favored accumulation for future needs. The accumulated value can be borrowed against and, in some cases, withdrawn to help meet future goals. (Of course, accessing your accumulated value may reduce your death benefit). As long as you pay the necessary premiums, there is no time limit (or term) restriction on the availability of your death benefit.

Term vs. Permanent Comparison
The snapshot below offers a basic comparison between term and permanent Pension insurance, based on a variety of circumstances. For a personalized assessment of your Pension insurance coverage needs, including customized term Pension insurance quotes, contact a ours agent.